Master: Iulian Somacescu, Searching Engineer Ist
Research and Engineering Department of EuroTehnoConsult
LLC, Romania
Contact: [email protected]
A New Subatomic Causal Physics on the Fundamental Phenomena (270 kB .pdf)
(Communication: “Research method on the universal subquantum dual fluid”)
by Research Engineer First Degree Şomăcescu Iulian,
ETC - EuroTehnoConsult Lab., Bucharest1
E-mail: [email protected]
The paper2, presents a new method used by the author for researching the
subquantum environment, as well as the results obtained, so as: discovery the new
fundamental subparticles named ‘Gravitons’ and new subquantum particles named
‘Cuantoms’, which together composed both the Subquantum Universal Dual Fluid and
the Subatomic Particles, as well as discovery the new elementary particles named
‘Proneutrons’ located inside Positrons, explaining the physics effects which cause the
gravitational and inertial-relativistic masses, gravitational and electric interactions,
universal sinchronizing of the electric and gravitational waves, electric neutrality for
Neutrons, Proneutrons and Photons, nuclear forces and black hole versus quantum
gravity, heating and temperature, radioactivity and nuclear disintegration, photon and
electric superconductivities.
Keywords: particle, effect, fluid, subatomic, quantum, discovery
The authorized Laboratory to continue the fundamental research started within ICPTTc, after the separation in 1990 year.
The report has been communicated in power point format. This paper is concordant with the real orally communication.
Physics discoveries applicable in Medicine and Pharmacology (240 kB .pdf)
to the ‘Med2Pharm’s International Conferences’ Sep. 2020 at Prague)
Author: Iulian Somacescu, Search..Eng. I degree
The new discoveries in the Subquantum
Digital Physics transmitted to the ‘Med2Pharm’s
International Conference’ Sep. 2020 at Prague, based on the quantitative physical constants
resulted from the previously measurements accomplished by other brilliant resear-chers, explain
‘the natural essence of the:
electricity, quantum gravity which are foundation for the physical chemistrry
of the entire condensed matter, gravitational and inertial masses, structures
of the elementary particles, photons and thermo-photons, nuclear and atomic
The research method, called 'qualitative analysis of the quantity', consisted in 'identifying the physical entities participating in the analy-sed phenomena, by natural, basic IS units of measure-ment: kg, m, rad, s, bps, present in the equations that describe those phenomena '.
The results obtained can be applied in medicine and pharmacology, because each harmful virus is characterized by a dual, adsorption - emission, radiative spectrum, and each vaccine or drug created against the virus, has its own radiative spectrum, which interferes destructively / lethally with the radiative adsorption spectrum of the virus, due to the quantum-gravitational and subquantum, kinetic, electrostatic and resonance effects, discovered in Subquantum Digital Physics.
The technologies available today allow
those who know Subquantum Digital Physics to measure, generate and control any
type of harmful radiation, generated by viruses, or useful radiation generated
by the immune system, vaccines, drugs and food, which can protect human health
against any virus.
Keywords: quantum gravity, globular velocity, spin
wave- force, digital thermo-photon, digital
electron, digital proton, digital neutron, fundamental quantum radiation, universal subquantum
radiation, antivirus lethal radiation.
New Discoveries in the Digital Physics of the Subatomic Universe (308
kB .pdf)
to the ESOF-2020, at Trieste, Italy)
Iulian Somacescu, Search..Eng.
I degree
The first application of this knowledge obtained from research was the determination, in 1975, of the ‘signal frequency and diameter of photonic superconducting optical fibers’, used since 1992, for the realization of terrestrial and suboceanic telecommunications of high capacity and long distance, which have made possible the global development of the internet and 'online' communications used today around the world.
Other applications of the basic knowledge obtained consisted of: the discovery of the ‘natural essence of the phenomena behind the Planck constant’, such as: 'electricity, gravity, inertia, light, heat, nuclear forces and natural relativity', which are the foundation of the entire Universe of which Man is part;
· the discovery of the ‘universal digital resonance / synchronism’ between the generated
gravitational waves of the Quantons that make up all observable matter in the Universe, and quantum-electrostatic waves (first measured by Compton), generated by Electron and Positron, having the same frequency, respectively the ‘same digital speed of 124 billion Gbps’ (billions of Gigabits per second) ;
· the discovery of the ‘digital quantum gravity’ that manifests itself between the ‘elementary
particles’ in which they are including ‘photons adsorbed by bodies’, located at mutual distances less than the length of quantum-electrostatic waves generated by electron and positron, where proton-proton and electron-electron electrostatic repulsion interactions are missing;
· the discovery of ‘natural digital relativity’, after which an electric particle can be
accelerated, using the electrostatic force field, until the limit speed equal to the speed of the accelerating waves is reached, and the inertial mass of the particle, in the direction of motion, doubles when the motion of the particle theoretically reaches the speed limit, without becoming 'infinite', as proved in proton flux accelerators, where the 'infinity mass hypothesis', which seems to result from 'conventional relativity', has been experimentally invalidated.
the discovery of the ‘binary
digital structure of the Proton’ composed of a ‘digital
protonic electron’ (positron) in which penetrated a ‘digital
protonic neutron’, under the effect of ‘quantum digital gravity’,
reversing the polarization of quantum-electrostatic waves;
· the discovery of the ‘effect of conserving the energy of photons from the adsorbed radiation
by the intercepted bodies’, by spinoid motion around their own axes, at the angular velocity 'αc' (where 'α' is the Sommerfeld constant for 'fine structures'), which in the 'quantum-gravitational bound state' become 'digital thermo-photons', accompanying electrons in their orbital motion inside atoms.
The research method for obtaining these results consisted in using the knowledge obtained about the two fundamental digital particles and the two subatomic universal radiations, to identify the physical entities involved in the analyzed phenomena, by 'qualitative reanalysis of quantitative physical constants', previously obtained by other brilliant researchers.
digital electron, digital proton, digital
quanton, digital bason, digital thermo-photon, digital
sub-quantum gravity, digital quantum gravity, digital
inertia, universal digital resonance, globular
velocity, spinoid force, digital strong nuclear forces, natural relativity
factor, photonic superconductivity.